Excess Weight Increases Miscarriage Risk

Posted: May 06 in Medical Weight Loss News by

In a study from Fertility and Sterility, investigators found that women with a BMI of 25 or higher had significantly higher odds of miscarriage.  Additional analysis revealed that women who underwent fertility treatments and had a BMI of 25 or greater were also at greater odds of suffering a miscarriage compared to normal weight patients.

Bottom line? 

1)  Know your BMI – click here to calculate your risk.

2)  Consider a medically supervised weight loss program before planning  pregnancy if your BMI is more than 25!

In a study from Fertility and Sterility, investigators found that women with a BMI of 25 or higher had significantly higher odds of miscarriage. Additional analysis revealed that women who underwent fertility treatments and had a BMI of 25 or greater were also at greater odds of suffering a miscarriage compared to normal weight patients. Bottom line? 1) Know your BMI – click here to calculate your risk. 2) Consider a medically supervised weight loss program before planning pregnancy if your BMI is more than 25!

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