
Preserving Muscle Mass While Shedding Pounds: A Comprehensive Guide *

Posted: May 11 in Activity Recommendations, Health And Wellness, Nutrition, Weight loss by

Today, let’s delve into a topic that concerns many on the path to weight loss: preserving precious muscle mass while shedding those stubborn pounds. Embarking on a weight-loss journey is often synonymous with cutting calories and increasing physical activity. While this approach can indeed lead to significant fat loss, it also has the potential to […]

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Skim, 2%, or Full-Fat Dairy? *

Posted: Aug 02 in Health And Wellness, Nutrition by

I still remember crying as a child as my mother switched us from normal milk to skim milk. “Yucky!” I said to her. But in the late 1970’s, we believed that all fat in foods was bad and would contribute to obesity and heart disease. This belief was founded on the idea that gram for […]

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More Evidence on the Risks of Ultra-Processed Foods *

Posted: Feb 01 in cancer, Nutrition by

A lot of evidence has emerged on the dangers of ultra-processed foods of late. Ultra-processed foods are food items which have been heavily processed during their production, including soft drinks, mass-produced packaged breads, cookies and cakes, salty snacks, many ready meals / frozen meals, hot dogs, cold cuts, fast food, and most breakfast cereals. They tend to […]

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Does timing matter (a.k.a. Intermittent Fasting)? *

Posted: Jan 24 in Nutrition, Weight loss by

Intermittent fasting has become a very popular dietary strategy for weight loss, popularized by Jason Fung’s book, “Obesity Code.” A new study out of John’s Hopkins looks at whether timing really matters when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Intermittent Fasting What is intermittent fasting? Also called time-restricted eating, it is a […]

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Eggs: To eat, or not to eat. That is the question! *

Posted: Jan 26 in Health And Wellness, Nutrition by

For decades, people have debated whether or not it is healthy to eat eggs. I remember long heated discussions with my grandmother about this very issue back when I was in medical school. “Eat eggs – they are filling with lots of protein and healthy!” she would say. I’d reply, “Yeah, but what about the […]

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