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2018 Food Trends

Acute weight loss vs. Chronic weight management -by Ethan Lazarus, MD

Have 1 Drink!
Surefire, quick and easy weight loss – in time for Summer!
With summer right around the corner, who doesn’t want to shed a few of the winter pounds? What would you think of the following 3 tips: 1) Replace 2 meals a day with CNC protein shakes or bars 2) Make…
Take the TIME to be THIN
Do you have time to be thin? Every day at CNC, I see new patients with lofty aspirations – to lose 50 pounds, 100 pounds or even more. They come to me hoping that with a proper medical weight management…
Spring Weight Control Tips: 5 Easy Steps to accomplish your weight management goals
The difference between gaining and losing weight can be as little as 50-100 calories per day. Any of the following tips can convert you from slowly gaining weight to slowly losing weight. These strategies can add up to 10 or…
What is the cost of not keeping your weight under control?
Did you know that currently it is abnormal for American adults to be normal weight? In fact, 2 in 3 American adults (1 in 3 children) are overweight or obese. As a result it is now estimated that by the…
Health Benefits of Modest Weight Loss
All too often, people feel helpless when it comes to losing weight. Often we have already lost it so many times only to experience weight regain. Many people set goal weights lower than what is realistic biologically only to “fail”…
Does Rapid Weight Loss result in Rapid Weight Gain?
A recent study by the University of Florida published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine looked at the longtime question, which is better, slow and steady weight loss vs. rapid weight loss. A popular notion is that rapid weight…