Activity Recommendations

Preserving Muscle Mass While Shedding Pounds: A Comprehensive Guide *

Posted: May 11 in Activity Recommendations, Health And Wellness, Nutrition, Weight loss by

Today, let’s delve into a topic that concerns many on the path to weight loss: preserving precious muscle mass while shedding those stubborn pounds. Embarking on a weight-loss journey is often synonymous with cutting calories and increasing physical activity. While this approach can indeed lead to significant fat loss, it also has the potential to […]

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Physical Activity and Weight Loss *

Posted: Mar 24 in Activity Recommendations, Weight Management Strategies by

What is physical activity and why is it important for weight loss?  Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that increases energy expenditure. Simply put, any time you move your body that can count towards physical activity. Walking, group fitness classes, weight lifting, hauling mountains of laundry up and down the stairs, […]

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5 Minutes a Day can Save Your Life *

Posted: Jan 24 in Activity Recommendations by

According to a new study published in Nature Medicine, even for people who don’t regularly go to the gym, short spurts of activity may prolong lifespan. Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity At least 2.5 hours per week of moderate-intensity physical activity is recommend for general health. Moderate intensity physical activity is any activity equivalent to […]

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Tips to Increase Daily Movement *

Posted: Feb 17 in Activity Recommendations, Health And Wellness by

Current evidence suggests that keeping weight off requires a lot of daily physical activity. Oftentimes, people think that this needs to be “exercise.” Well, believe it or not, it doesn’t! What is physical activity? Obviously, exercise counts as physical activity – running, walking, biking, weights, yoga, Pilates, rowing, swimming, skiing, hiking… There is certainly no […]

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Complexity is the Enemy of Change *

Posted: Oct 26 in Activity Recommendations, Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

Something I’ve found interesting during the COVID-19 pandemic is that I’ve made incredible progress in my fitness routine after being forced to simplify my routine during lockdown. Believe it or not, I feel I am now in my best shape ever. Getting to the Best Weight Ever! It occurred to me that many patients I […]

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