Weight Management Strategies

Physical Activity and Weight Loss *

Posted: Mar 24 in Activity Recommendations, Weight Management Strategies by

What is physical activity and why is it important for weight loss?  Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that increases energy expenditure. Simply put, any time you move your body that can count towards physical activity. Walking, group fitness classes, weight lifting, hauling mountains of laundry up and down the stairs, […]

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Treatment vs. Weight Loss Maintenance – What’s the Difference? *

Posted: Nov 03 in Weight Management Strategies by

I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Michael Rosenbaum from Columbia University speak at our Obesity Medicine Association Conference on the topic of why maintaining weight loss is so hard. He has been engaged in research on this topic for decades, studying the effects of weight change on body metabolism. In his studies, after a […]

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Why do we eat what we eat? *

Posted: Aug 15 in Weight Management Strategies by

Have you ever thought about why you eat what you eat? Is it simple? Do we choose what we put in our mouths? If only life was so easy! It’s now thought that there are actually three separate pathways influencing our eating behavior: A story I hear often is “I’m good all day, but then […]

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Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain *

Posted: May 07 in Weight Management Strategies by

Make Sure Everything that Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas! Now is the time of year everybody is getting ready to travel: Mexico, Europe, South America, and yes, Vegas. People keep coming to the office not wanting to get on the scale because of their recent trip. Read on to learn tips and tricks to […]

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Key Strategies to Sustain Weight Loss *

Posted: Mar 27 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

“It’s not about the food!” If you have worked hard to lose weight, that is only part of the battle. Read on to learn strategies to keep the weight off. Sustaining Weight Loss Don’t believe everything you read – keeping weight off is actually a lot harder than losing it in the first place, and […]

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