
Weight Management Strategies

Weight loss as a hobby instead of a chore *

Posted: Aug 05 in Weight Management Strategies by

Many people embarking on a journey to a healthier weight view this journey as one of deprivation, discomfort and self-torture. Imagine not being able to eat the foods you like and being hungry all the time. Or, imagine getting yelled at by a personal trainer, being told to exercise for hours and hours a day […]

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What to do when you slip-up *

Posted: Jul 27 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

A wise mentor once told me that “Weight gain is part of every successful weight loss program.” If that is true, why do we all too often beat ourselves up when we slip up? I see the same story every day – a person has lost a lot of weight, kept it off a long […]

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Invest in Yourself *

Posted: Jun 22 in Weight Management Strategies by

When is the last time you did something nice just for yourself? So many people who begin a well-intentioned weight loss effort find that they hit barriers to weight loss and that they are prone to regaining the lost weight. In spite of working really hard to control their calories and increase physical fitness, the […]

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Conquering Stress Eating *

Posted: Jun 04 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

Many people trying to lose weight believe that obesity is caused by eating too much and exercising too little. We think that if we could just eat less and move more, we’d lose the extra pounds. Why is it then that all to often, we lose the weight, but find that it creeps back on […]

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Four Elements of a Successful Weight Loss Program *

Posted: May 03 in Weight Management Strategies by

Wegovy – Looking for Wegovy information? Sorry – email program keeps messing up my links! Click here for the Wegovy article… -Dr. L Let’s face it – losing weight, and more importantly, keeping it off, can feel like a huge challenge. While many get off to a great start and initially lose weight, the challenge […]

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