Hybrid Weight Loss

Posted: Aug 18 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

Amid the uncertainty introduced by COVID-19, I watched this morning as my three children embarked on a new and uncharted journey – hybrid school. My children attend school in Lone Tree, and at least for now, Lone Tree is offering 2 days of in-person learning, 2 days of self-directed learning from home, and 1 day of live learning from home. What an undertaking!

As the day went on, it got me thinking – maybe we could learn from the Lone Tree approach. Hybrid learning clearly is an experiment, but the goal is for the kids to still have some social interaction as safely as possible, some days of self-guidance, and an online day with the teacher and other students. Obviously the jury is still out to see how this works, but I understand the decisions that led up to this.

But could we use similar tactics to enhance weight loss? Oftentimes, it seems that when thinking about a weight loss option, people dive all-in to one approach. The person might do a commercialized program, try keto, do intermittent fasting, or start going to the gym every day. But all to often, they burn out because the all-or-nothing approach is not sustainable.

But what if instead we went for a “Hybrid” weight loss program, similar to what Lone Tree has decided to pursue?

Ideas to make a weight loss program “Hybrid:”

  1. Instead of all real food or all meal replacement, how about some real food and some meal replacement?
  2. Instead of all exercise at the gym, what about some workouts at the gym, and getting a moving workstation so the daily steps can happen while working?
  3. Instead of vegan diet or keto, how about a diet rich in healthy plants, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and protein sources?
  4. Instead of all visits at the office (if inconvenient), what about some visits at the office and some by phone / video?

If we started to combine these approaches, it could provide several benefits:

  1. Partial meal replacement enhances weight loss and provides structure to the day.
  2. NEAT – non-exercise activity thermogenesis – provides sustainable weight loss because we don’t need to find extra hours in the day to fit it in as it happens while we work.
  3. In addition to weight loss, a healthy diet can improve heart health, lower cancer risk, lower diabetes risk, and help you feel your best.
  4. Doing some visits remotely can lower the risk of spreading COVID-19, and can free up hours in the day to do other things, while doing visits at the office are incredible to boost confidence and motivation, and to do testing, get supplies, etc.

So, what do you think? Is it time for a Hybrid Weight Loss Program? I’d love to hear your comments!

-Dr. L


5 Responses to “Hybrid Weight Loss”
  • Jan Brictson says:

    I like this Hybrid approach especially having the option of tele-heath calls during the pandemic but also as an option in general. Also interesting is mixing up prepared meals at home with partial meal replacements.

  • Polly Daugherty says:

    This approach is definitely great for me since I moved to Oklahoma! I have been mixing up my eating and doing some fasting like the book “The Obesity Code” recommends. And some days I have a protein shake for a meal replacement. Especially if I am going to an event where I know I want to have a dessert or glass of wine. It’s working for me!

  • Vicki Johnson says:

    I’m doing hybrid with some office visits and some technically challenged tele-health. (Wish we could figure that out!). Would love to try the walking desk since I’m a therapist and would get a huge benefit from that! Meals? Maybe not yet‍♀️ But like after goal.

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