Tag Archives: weight loss

There are two new heavyweights (? lightweights) in town duking it out to help people lose weight and keep it off: semaglutide and tirzepatide. How do semaglutide and tirzepatide for weight loss stack up? How do semaglutide and tirzepatide work? In the early 1990’s, scientists observed that there was a toxin found in Gila monster […]

I had the pleasure of finally attending an in-person medical weight loss conference! As president of the Obesity Medicine Association, I enjoyed my role in offering comprehensive training to physicians, PA’s, and nurse practitioners regarding how to help patients lose weight and keep it off. Here are a few tips I gleaned from this conference […]

In my 25 years practicing medicine, I have never seen a medical problem associated with more shame and guilt than obesity. If a person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, they usually accept that this is a medical problem and are willing to take medications, schedule follow-up visits and have the blood pressure monitored. The […]