
Tag Archives: weight loss

What is the Most Effective Weight Loss Strategy? When it comes to losing weight, there are a myriad of options – eat this not that, eat sometimes not others, don’t eat carbs, exercise more, take medication, use meal replacements… The list seems endless, and every day there is something new.  But according to the best […]

Evidence-based weight loss tools Clinical Nutrition Center has been helping people in Denver, Colorado with weight loss programs and long-term weight management support for decades. We offer the best evidence-based tools to lose weight and keep it off including office visits, weight loss medications and meal replacements (like Optifast). Every year, countless people come see […]

For most people, excess weight piles on over a period of years or even decades – but it can often be tricky to find the motivation to work those pounds off again. However, there are a few tell-tale signs which will let you know that is time to put some serious effort into trying to lose weight, such as: [Read more]

As much as you might wish it to be otherwise, maintaining an ideal weight is a constant, vigilant effort for many people. Temptations abound and society generally provides a more than ample supply of both good and not-so-good options to tempt your palate. You may think your gym membership, positive mental attitude and meal tracking efforts are enough to manage your weight in a manner that works for you. Maybe you’re right. But, if your results don’t seem to measure up to your efforts, you may be guilty of some undermining behaviors. [Read more]