Tag Archives: weight loss

Contrave is one of our new anti-obesity medications, or “AOMs” approved for chronic weight management in 2014. As the years have gone by, we have accumulated a lot of clinical experience with Contrave for weight loss. This article will review some of the pros and cons of Contrave use, particularly in comparison to the older […]

The most common questions I get from my patients are “How much weight can I lose?” and “How quickly can I lose it?” For decades, the recommended answer to these questions has been “It’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon.” However, I need to tell you that these are the wrong questions, and this is […]

Phentermine was originally approved by the FDA for weight loss in the 1950’s. In those days, few people had obesity, and obesity was thought to be the result of simple dietary indiscretion. Phentermine in those days was studied and approved only for a short duration of use (3 months). Phentermine in 2020 Wow have times […]

Something I’ve found interesting during the COVID-19 pandemic is that I’ve made incredible progress in my fitness routine after being forced to simplify my routine during lockdown. Believe it or not, I feel I am now in my best shape ever. Getting to the Best Weight Ever! It occurred to me that many patients I […]