
Tag weight loss

person needing weight loss measuring abdominal circumference

Five Signs It is Time to Get Serious about Losing Weight

For most people, excess weight piles on over a period of years or even decades - but it can often be tricky to find the motivation to work those pounds off again. However, there are a few tell-tale signs which will let you know that is time to put some serious effort into trying to lose weight, such as:
person writing notes about food

Are You Really Doing All You Can to Lose Weight?

As much as you might wish it to be otherwise, maintaining an ideal weight is a constant, vigilant effort for many people. Temptations abound and society generally provides a more than ample supply of both good and not-so-good options to tempt your palate. You may think your gym membership, positive mental attitude and meal tracking efforts are enough to manage your weight in a manner that works for you. Maybe you're right. But, if your results don't seem to measure up to your efforts, you may be guilty of some undermining behaviors.