Why Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are so Helpful With Weight Loss

Posted: Sep 03 in Weight Management Strategies by
woman eating a salad

A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist undergoes rigorous training to receive the RDN degree. The credentialing process for the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist requires significantly more training and experience than the more generalized term nutritionist.

What Does a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Do?

At Clinical Nutrition Center, we have long recognized that the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is a key support person when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. That’s how we came up with our name! Our dietitians work hand-in-hand with our medical staff to develop comprehensive and individualized approaches for weight loss and for weight loss maintenance.

How Does a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Help With Losing Weight?

A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializes in supporting you on your weight loss journey. He/she can help develop individualized food plans that not only appeal to you but help you get the weight off. They can help you learn strategies to make your environment more weight-friendly. Further, they can help you develop strategies around stress management, how to order at restaurants, stay healthy while traveling, deal with dinner parties and family events, and so much more.

Further, a well-trained Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is good at helping sustain motivation through the weight loss journey. All-to-often, people seem to run out of steam and after working so hard to lose the weight end up regaining it. The Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in addition to providing support will keep you accountable to help prevent the pounds from coming back on.

Because losing weight and keeping it off can be a real challenge, why not take advantage of all of the skills and support a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can offer you?

If it’s been a while since you’ve been in, or if you are thinking about starting a new weight loss journey with our center, why not give us a call at (303) 750-9454 and either restart with your Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, or set up a free consultation with one to learn about how we structure our 20 week treatment plans?

We look forward to meeting you!

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