
Weight Management Strategies

How to lose weight without trying to eat less *

Posted: Feb 03 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

It seems like every year there are a handful of best-selling books, aps, and web sites promising to teach you to eat a certain way and lose a miraculous amount of weight. From low-fat to low carb, low glycemic-index to adjusting macronutrient percentages, intermittent fasting to ketogenic diets – each suggests that their way of […]

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Rekindling Weight Loss Motivation *

Posted: Jan 09 in Weight Management Strategies by

Holiday weight gain The holidays are over! For people trying to keep weight off, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, New Years Eve, family, guests, parties… — one after the other — these events make sustaining weight loss motivation a real challenge! Then in January, time to get back on the wagon again. But sometimes it can feel […]

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Rethinking Sugary “Treats” vs. Sugar “Addiction” *

Posted: Dec 09 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

As the Holidays approach, I’m reminded of a discussion I’ve had many times with my kids. When they ask me for candy, I always ask them, “Why do you want candy?” The reply is always the same: “Because it tastes good.” Of course, I’ve taught my kids about the adverse effects of sugar, so I […]

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Holiday Weight Loss Tips *

Posted: Nov 01 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

Holiday weight loss can be tough – let’s face it – people can gain a lot of weight during the holidays. Endless high caloric foods, big parties with families, leftovers, vacations… Not to mention short days, long nights, and cold weather here in Colorado. What is one who is trying to lose weight to do […]

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Losing Weight: Measuring Success *

Posted: Oct 01 in Weight Management Strategies by

Do you feel successful when you lose weight, but then feel like a failure when you gain weight? Do you feel successful only when you hit a weight loss goal, but feel like a failure if you lose weight, but not all the way down to your goal? If the above questions describe you, you […]

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