
5 Simple Tips to Keep Those Lost Pounds from Coming Back

Posted: Mar 07 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

You may think that losing weight is the hardest thing you can do, but keeping those lost pounds from coming back can be even more difficult. Following a strict diet may help you lose weight in the short term, but if you want to make that weight loss permanent, you need to develop healthier habits. Here are 5 healthy habits that can help you maintain your newfound weight loss.

  • Get moving – Making exercise an integral part of your life is essential for lasting weight loss. You do not have to exercise like a fiend or become an elite athlete to keep those pounds off either; something as simple as a daily walk around the neighborhood should be enough to keep the weight from coming back.
  • Reduce your screen time – Sitting in front of screens all day can lower your metabolism and tempt you to overindulge in unhealthy snacks. Keep track of the time you spend watching TV, playing video games and using your computer and smartphone, then get up and take a walk.
  • Team up – You do not have to go it alone when maintaining your newfound weight loss. Create a support system of friends, relatives and coworkers to give you extra inspiration when you start feeling down.
  • Track your progress, but don’t drive yourself crazy – It is important to track your progress, but do not obsess or spend all day on the scale. Pay attention to how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror, not just on how much you weigh.
  • Take a healthy cooking class – Many of us never learned how to cook with fresh healthy ingredients, but you can make up for lost time. Learning to cook fresh and prepare delicious healthy meals can make keeping the weight off a lot easier.

Staying slim and trim for a lifetime is a matter of habit, and developing healthy habits is half the battle. The 5 tips listed above can help you keep those lost pounds from coming back and let you enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

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