Quick and Easy Crock Pot Meals: Not just for winter

Posted: Apr 10 in Recipes, Weight Management Strategies by

When we think of crock pot meals, we are reminded of cold, winter days and comfort food. Let’s change this thinking into using the crock pot year round with fast, easy, and nutritious meals prepared in a matter of minutes. Here are some suggestions to get you started or add to your collection:

Chicken (4-6 frozen breasts):

-Add 1 jar red salsa or verde salsa. Before serving, cut chicken up to allow juice to finish marinating the chicken. Add peppers and onions for a fajita dish. Serve over lettuce or in a bowl (like green chile) and top with white onion and cilantro. Add 2 streamed corn tortillas or 1/2 cup pinto or black beans as a starch serving.

-Add 1 jar marinara sauce (lowfat; 1/2 cup 50 cal) with spices (red pepper flakes, basil, oregano) and veggies as desired. Serve in bowl or on top of spaghetti squash.


Pork sirloin roast (very lean) or pork loin (lean):

-Add salsa like the chicken above and garnish.

– Add 2 Lipton onion soup packets and water. Add carrots, celery, cabbage, or any desired vegetable.


Vegetable Soup:

-Use broth or V-8 (regular, low salt, or spicy) as your base.

-Add veggies of your choice. There are no limitations! Carrots, celery, leeks, cabbage, onions, zucchini, cauliflower, etc.

-Add spices (cajun, chili powder, garlic, basil, rosemary, bay leaves, red pepper flakes, etc)

-Add protein or leave as a veggie and add protein with meal (4 oz chicken, 1 cup cottage cheese) or snack (1-2 oz. cheese stick).

-This soup fills you up when you are really hungry. I eat it as an afternoon snack to keep me full until dinner.


I hope this will inspire you to use your crock pot more often. Set a goal to cook with it once a week and see how easy and delicious your meal can be. Please add your own favorite recipes to share.


Susan Ellis, RD



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