Kids Weight Loss Program

Posted: Dec 28 in Weight loss by

Healthy Steps for Healthy Kids

Healthy steps for healthy kids We are thrilled to announce a new kids weight loss program for residents of Denver, CO and surrounding communities. Healthy Steps for Healthy Kids has designed from the ground up to help obese children lose weight and learn strategies to keep it off for the rest of their lives. This is a family intervention – we want to teach families the proper behaviors and how to structure their child’s environment to maximize the odds of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

If your children are struggling with their weight, you are not alone. This is a growing problem in our country, and until now there have been very few resources available to children in Denver Colorado. So, why wait? Call us at 303-750-9454 to learn more about our new weight loss program for kids. Or, read more about Healthy Steps for Healthy Kids here.


4 Responses to “Kids Weight Loss Program”
  • Tatiana says:

    Looking for a program for my 17yo daughter

    • Dr. Lazarus says:

      Assuming you live in Denver metro area, feel free to give us a call at 303-750-9454 and we can set up a free visit to see if she is a good fit for us. If you are out of state, perhaps visit, find a clinician tab.

  • Mindy Mariano says:

    I need a program for my 15 & 17 year old girls that focus on healthy habits. They seem to have a healthy esteem and do not take seriously the overweight/obese diagnosis. Can you help? What is the cost? Do you have app on Saturdays. I’d like an overview of the program please. Thanks! Mindy 3039156245.

    • Dr. Lazarus says:

      Hello – this is a very old post! We work with older kids on a case by case basis, but our focus is really adults. We would be happy to do a free consultation with you to discuss whether CNC is a good fit – call us at 303-750-9454, and my staff can set that up for you. Alternatively, we do recommend Children’s Hospital for kid-specific programs. We do not have Saturday appointments, sorry.

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