Study Details Factors Associated With Obesity in Adults

Posted: Sep 18 in Medical Weight Loss News by

A recent study researched factors which may be associated with obesity in adults. Remember, these are associations, so you cannot assume cause and effect. Nonetheless, I’ve summarized a few of the interesting associations for you:

Sleep: Women who sleep less than 6 hours per night weigh 13-17 pounds more than those sleeping at least 7 (in men, 19-24 pounds)

Intent to control food intake: Women with high intent to control food intake weigh 10-13 pounds more than women with low intent (Men: 12-15 pounds)

Emotions: Women who avoid overeating in response to thoughts or emotions weigh 14-18 pounds less than those who tend to overeat in these situations (Men 17-22 pounds)

Exercise: Women who engage in 30 minutes or more of high-intensity exercise per day weight 8-11 pounds less than those who engage in none (Men: 12-15 pounds)

Fat: Women who get less than 30% of calories from fat weigh 9-11 pounds less than those getting 40% or more from fat (Men: 10-12 pounds)

-Published in Obesity April 2009, Leblanc et al.

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