
Why Fiber is the Unsung Hero of Weight Loss

Posted: Aug 29 in Health And Wellness, Nutrition, Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

If you’ve decided to lose some weight, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to diet plans to follow. From keto and paleo to alkaline and Atkins, there are almost as many options as there are experts to promote their latest miracle slimming products. One of the lesser-known routes toward dropping the pounds is not only practical and easy to do but also ensures longer-lasting results than any extreme or fad diet.

Rather than obsessively counting calories, cutting out carbs, or downing dubious pills, you can improve your diet success simply by upping the amount of dietary fiber you consume in your regular meals.

What is Dietary Fiber?

You can find dietary fiber in plant-based foods. Also known as roughage, it’s in the parts of the plant which the human body can’t digest, and so pass through the digestive system intact. It comes in soluble and insoluble forms, both of which are extremely helpful for dieters.

Why Does Fiber Help Weight Loss?

A diet rich in fiber has many health benefits, from lowering cholesterol levels to reducing blood pressure. However, it’s also advantageous as part of a weight-loss plan.

•   Fiber slows down the digestion of food, smoothing out your blood sugar levels, and helping to prevent diet-busting hunger pangs.

•   Since the body can’t digest the fiber, a more significant proportion of high-fiber foods pass through your body without turning their calories into energy. In general, high-fiber foods will have fewer digestible calories per serving than low-fiber ones.

•   Foods high in soluble fiber will swell in your stomach as they absorb moisture, making you feel fuller sooner and less likely to overeat.

•   As high-fiber foods pass through your system undigested, your brain receives signals which dampen hunger. You’ll stay fuller for longer.

How to Eat More Fiber

Although dietary fiber is in most plant-based foods, some contain more than others. If you want to increase the fiber in your diet, eat more of these:

•   Whole-grain products, including bread, pasta, and breakfast cereals

•   Nuts and seeds of all kinds

•   Dark-colored vegetables such as leafy greens

•   Fruits of all types, but mainly those with skins, such as apples and pears

•   Berries, especially raspberries

•   Potatoes, when eaten with skins and all

Losing weight will always come down to eating fewer calories than you use up in a day. However, no matter which diet plan you follow, upping the amount of fiber you eat can make your slimming efforts more successful — almost without noticing the extra effort.

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