Classes with Dr. Lazarus

Posted: Nov 19 in Clinical Nutrition Center News by

CNC Groups and ClassesDid you know that Dr. Lazarus is a locally and nationally recognized speaker on obesity?

Take advantage of his knowledge and expertise in his new class series at CNC.

New Patient Class: (FREE)
Although it sounds like it should be only for new patients, everybody at CNC should attend this class once. Learn WHY obesity has been recognized as a disease, WHY losing weight and keeping it off is so hard, and WHAT the most effective treatment options are. This 1 hour class is offered at no charge to anybody who would like to attend.

Other Classes:

  • “Eat MORE, Exercise LESS: The Key to Sustainable Weight Loss.”
  • “Sugar”
  • “Diets and Nutrition: an evidence-based review.”
  • “Weight Bias”


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