Tag Archives: exercise nutrition

The CDC recommends that adults should be engaging in moderate to intense physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week. If you are already in great shape and at an optimum weight, thirty minutes a day is easy to complete. But for many adults starting a fitness program, the prospect is daunting. If you are overweight, recovering from an injury or simply out of shape, it is hard to imagine running purposefully for any amount of time. This is where Couch to 5K (C25K) programs shine. They offer easy entry into the world of running through a very gradual increase in stamina and ability. You will see your fitness level and attitude about exercise change as you complete this 9-week plan. [Read more]

Any serious dieter will tell you that losing the weight, although a struggle, is the easy part. Maintaining your victory after you see that desired number on the scale is an ongoing challenge. Somehow your body just wants to return to its pre-diet comfort level. What can you do to keep those unwanted pounds from returning to their former place of residence? [Read more]

Thinking of doing a half-marathon in the next six months or planning to climb a Colorado 14er this summer? Is this the year you’ll finally do “Ride the Rockies?” To avoid “hitting the wall”when exercising for long periods, avoid high sugar foods like candy, regular sodas and fruit juices for 30 minutes before your workout, […]