
Weight Loss Tips during COVID-19

Posted: Jun 19 in Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

A recent study shows that people with obesity have had many health challenges by the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased anxiety and depression (73% / 84%), difficulty in achieving weight loss goals (70%), decreased exercise time and intensity (48% / 56%), increased stockpiling of food (50%) and stress eating (61%).

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Most people I’ve treated in the past 3 months report at least one of the above, if not all of them. Unfortunately, when we feel like the sky is falling, we don’t reach for a salad. There’s a reason comfort food is called comfort food!

So, I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned from my patients during this COVID-19 epidemic as it relates to achieving weight loss goals.

  1. Not gaining is a victory! With so much added stress and environmental change, holding your weight steady through this is a victory!
  2. Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. As always, inadequate or irregular sleep patterns make weight loss extremely difficult for a variety of biological reasons. Changes in hormones produced by fat can lead to increased hunger (leptin suppresses appetite – fat tissue makes leptin while you sleep) and carbohydrate cravings (adiponectin is an insulin sensitizer – fat tissue makes adiponectin while you sleep too), not to mention that fatigue is every dieter’s worst enemy!
  3. Decrease stress. Make sure that there is a separation between your work life and your home life. Don’t allow your job to take over your home and personal life. Have 1 place in the house where you work. Limit your hours to normal working hours. If possible, just do the audio part of some teleconferences – many report being on camera for hours at a time is exhausting. And most importantly, find something FUN to do every day! Reading, art, music, walking, etc. One of the best ways to lower stress is to do something enjoyable!

These three tips can help you maintain a positive attitude through these challenging times. And we all know a positive attitude is critical to sustained weight loss success.

-Dr. L


4 Responses to “Weight Loss Tips during COVID-19”
  • Arlene Greenwood says:

    Thank you for your emails. It is significant to hear Coronavirus news from you. The information is reassuring. When I feel the through emails it keeps me on track. You are a great doctor and are appreciated.

    • Dr. Lazarus says:

      Thank you so much – it has been a pleasure working with you all these years, and I look forward to many more to come. We will all get through this thing – together. I have faith that humankind can beat this COVID-19 problem, and that we will be able to get on with our lives. I just hope this happens sooner rather than later! It has been incredibly hard on everybody!!! Stay safe and be well. 🙂

  • Mary Szullo says:

    Dr Lazarus,

    Thank you for the great ideas on how to be healthy during Covid-19.
    As you can imagine, I am guilty of all the health challenges listed above!

    It’s good just to realize “I’m not the only one!” and I’ll be coming in again

    Appreciate your monthly letters with the always helpful advice. Not
    to mention that gorgeous tango music!

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