Tag diet

Picture of sugar bottle with lock on it

Why Small Changes Are the Key to Sustainable Weight Loss and How to Make Them

Who doesn't want fast results, especially those who are trying to lose weight? That's why diet pills and extreme diets are such an easy sell. What could be quicker than swallowing a pill and watching the pounds melt away! Emotionally, we'd like to believe this is possible, but reason tells us that any weight we lose using extreme techniques won't be sustainable.
Susan Ellis RDN featured image

Lunch Ideas for Vegetarians

Clinical Nutrition Center would like to share an article from the Denver Post titled “A vegetarian’s guide to brown-bagging everyday lunch favorites.” The article features CNC’s own Susan Ellis, RDN providing easy, healthy and quick vegetarian lunch options.
person holding beans

Food to Boost Moods and Energy

We all know that our diet can affect numerous aspects of our lives, especially during medical weight loss. But what we eat can also take a toll on our moods and energy levels. When it comes to weight loss, a positive, high-energy attitude is important to reaching your goals. Bad moods can lead to harmful eating habits that could hinder the progress you’ve already made.
picture of man on ladder picking fruit from tree that looks like a head

Start Your Day off Right

Breakfast has long been labeled the most important meal, yet an astounding number of people claim to skip breakfast in hopes of cutting calories from the start of their day. To lose weight, it’s important to follow a healthy weight loss program that features breakfast, lunch and dinner.