Tag weight loss lifestyle

Diving in Belize

A Simpler Life for 2025

I was fortunate to spend the winter holidays in Belize with my family. We enjoyed several amazing inland adventures including the unbelievable ATM cave system – a cave with a river running through it that extends underground for miles and…

dried banana chips

Are Dried Banana Chips Healthy?

The good news is that these chips deliver several valuable nutrients. For example, a one-third cup serving contains around one gram of protein and another gram of fiber. It also provides magnesium, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and potassium in small quantities. These nutrients benefit your eyes and may prevent high blood pressure.
phone apps weight loss picture

Using Apps for Weight Loss

With a demanding career, family obligations, and other responsibilities, committing to a weight loss program can be a challenge. If that's the predicament you're in, achieving your weight loss goal may seem impossible. Fortunately, there are things that can be done to rectify that problem. Weight loss apps are a powerful tool that many people have come to rely on for their weight loss needs.
person needing weight loss measuring abdominal circumference

Five Signs It is Time to Get Serious about Losing Weight

For most people, excess weight piles on over a period of years or even decades - but it can often be tricky to find the motivation to work those pounds off again. However, there are a few tell-tale signs which will let you know that is time to put some serious effort into trying to lose weight, such as:
person writing notes about food

Are You Really Doing All You Can to Lose Weight?

As much as you might wish it to be otherwise, maintaining an ideal weight is a constant, vigilant effort for many people. Temptations abound and society generally provides a more than ample supply of both good and not-so-good options to tempt your palate. You may think your gym membership, positive mental attitude and meal tracking efforts are enough to manage your weight in a manner that works for you. Maybe you're right. But, if your results don't seem to measure up to your efforts, you may be guilty of some undermining behaviors.
health tips written on napkin eat clean drink water train hard set goals stay focused never give up

Tips on Healthy Living

Living a healthy lifestyle is easier than you might expect. You can start living healthier right now by setting aside negative mindsets keeping you from your goal. Let's take a look at them and how to overcome them in three easy steps.
people lifting weights

Tips for Maintaining That Hard-Won Weight Loss Goal

Any serious dieter will tell you that losing the weight, although a struggle, is the easy part. Maintaining your victory after you see that desired number on the scale is an ongoing challenge. Somehow your body just wants to return to its pre-diet comfort level. What can you do to keep those unwanted pounds from returning to their former place of residence?
woman walking outside

Six Reasons to Take a Walk

Health and fitness are popular topics of discussion, even among the most sedentary people. Nearly everyone understands the importance of moving their body. Not everyone can or wants to commit to a rigid exercise program or a time block at the gym. Fortunately, there's an exercise option for the majority of people that is relatively easy and only takes as much time as you want to devote to it. Walking is, by far, the most unrestricted fitness activity out there. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes and somewhere to go. The benefits are huge on so many levels.

How to Focus on Health Over Weight

A lot of attention is focused on that magical number on the scale. Even people who, for all intents and purposes, are at a healthy weight and in good physical shape somehow manage to obsess about every pound they see. It's no wonder, really, when society is obsessed with youth and fitness.