Celebrate Registered Dietitian Day!

Posted: Mar 07 in Weight Management Strategies by

Registered Dietitian day is on March 14th. Should you see an RD? Here are ten reasons why consulting with a registered dietitian could benefit you:

  1. You have diabetes, cardiovascular problems or high blood pressure.
  2. You are thinking of having or have had gastric bypass surgery.
  3. You have digestive problems.
  4. You’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
  5. You need guidance and confidence for breastfeeding your baby.
  6. Your teenager has issues with food and eating healthfully.
  7. You need to gain or lose weight.
  8. You’re caring for an aging parent.
  9. You want to eat smarter.
  10. You want to improve your performance in sports.
  11. At clinical nutrition center, five experienced RDs are waiting to assist you with your nutrition challenges!
  12. Give us a call today!

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