Tag Archives: Healthy Habits

With a demanding career, family obligations, and other responsibilities, committing to a weight loss program can be a challenge. If that’s the predicament you’re in, achieving your weight loss goal may seem impossible. Fortunately, there are things that can be done to rectify that problem. Weight loss apps are a powerful tool that many people have come to rely on for their weight loss needs. [Read more]

As much as you might wish it to be otherwise, maintaining an ideal weight is a constant, vigilant effort for many people. Temptations abound and society generally provides a more than ample supply of both good and not-so-good options to tempt your palate. You may think your gym membership, positive mental attitude and meal tracking efforts are enough to manage your weight in a manner that works for you. Maybe you’re right. But, if your results don’t seem to measure up to your efforts, you may be guilty of some undermining behaviors. [Read more]

You might expect a little heartburn after a rich, spicy meal. It’s possible to experience a burning in the chest and the throat in the middle of a workout, as well, however. If this happens to you, you should know that you aren’t alone. Many athletes tend to experience the problem; some people tend to be more prone than others. [Read more]

Health and fitness are popular topics of discussion, even among the most sedentary people. Nearly everyone understands the importance of moving their body. Not everyone can or wants to commit to a rigid exercise program or a time block at the gym. Fortunately, there’s an exercise option for the majority of people that is relatively easy and only takes as much time as you want to devote to it. Walking is, by far, the most unrestricted fitness activity out there. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes and somewhere to go. The benefits are huge on so many levels. [Read more]