Category Health And Wellness

The Keto Diet: Pros and Cons

Ketogenic diets (now referred to as Keto diets) have been used for weight loss for decades. Dr. Atkins popularized keto diets for weight loss in the 1970’s, promoting a very low carbohydrate eating plan to induce weight loss. Over the…

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Nutrition: A Basic Primer To Properly Fueling Your Body

While the average American is inundated with news about diet and nutrition, it is often this surplus of information that creates misinformation. Having a working knowledge of nutrition is not only essential to making the right choices for yourself, it will also help you determine fact from fiction the next time someone tells you about the latest diet they are on. Nutritionists spend years in school to become experts, but all you need is a basic understanding of nutrients, calories and what they mean for your body.
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Cut the Fat and Up the Protein with These 3 Easy Food Substitutions

It's the mysterious yellow condiment with which we smother everything from tuna salad to BLTs. Unfortunately, mayonnaise is high in cholesterol. That's because it's made with eggs--and not the healthier white part of the egg, either. Mayonnaise is made solely with the yolk--the part of the egg that's highest in cholesterol, fat, and calories. So, how can you get that creamy, slightly tangy taste in a healthier form? Try substituting plain, low-fat Greek yogurt. You'll completely cut the cholesterol while getting a healthy serving of protein. A typical 6-ounce serving of Greek yogurt contains 15 to 20 grams of protein. Your coleslaw recipe just got a lot healthier!
dried banana chips

Are Dried Banana Chips Healthy?

The good news is that these chips deliver several valuable nutrients. For example, a one-third cup serving contains around one gram of protein and another gram of fiber. It also provides magnesium, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and potassium in small quantities. These nutrients benefit your eyes and may prevent high blood pressure.
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A Running Start – Couch to 5K

The CDC recommends that adults should be engaging in moderate to intense physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week. If you are already in great shape and at an optimum weight, thirty minutes a day is easy to complete. But for many adults starting a fitness program, the prospect is daunting. If you are overweight, recovering from an injury or simply out of shape, it is hard to imagine running purposefully for any amount of time. This is where Couch to 5K (C25K) programs shine. They offer easy entry into the world of running through a very gradual increase in stamina and ability. You will see your fitness level and attitude about exercise change as you complete this 9-week plan.
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5 Top Tips for Losing Weight

People often stress over the prospect of changing their entire diet to accommodate their weight-loss plan. You don't have to throw away everything in your cabinets just to lose weight, but you do have to change your mindset about food and the amounts you eat. Most people gain weight by overeating, regardless of how much they exercise. To begin slimming down, you should turn your focus toward smaller portions of the same meals you already enjoy.