
Health And Wellness

The Best Diet in 2021 *

Posted: Jan 01 in Nutrition, Weight Management Strategies by

2020 is over, and 2021 is finally here! With the start of any new year, and in particular, after an arduous year like 2020, many people make a commitment to starting the year off right by getting healthy! And what do we do to get healthy? We set workout and weight loss goals. One of […]

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Eating to Improve Mental Health *

Posted: Nov 05 in Health And Wellness, Nutrition by

For decades, medical journals have reported effects of certain types of diets on medical problems. For example, we know that ketogenic diets can reduce seizures in children with epilepsy, and that Mediterranean diets can reduce the risk of heart disease. People are experiencing heightened levels of stress, anxiety, insomnia, hopelessness and depression. Is there any […]

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Complexity is the Enemy of Change *

Posted: Oct 26 in Activity Recommendations, Weight loss, Weight Management Strategies by

Something I’ve found interesting during the COVID-19 pandemic is that I’ve made incredible progress in my fitness routine after being forced to simplify my routine during lockdown. Believe it or not, I feel I am now in my best shape ever. Getting to the Best Weight Ever! It occurred to me that many patients I […]

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Longest Lifespan in America *

Posted: Oct 05 in Health And Wellness by

According to Doctor Google, the average lifespan in America is 78.54 years. The state with the longest life expectancy is Hawaii – 81.15 years. Interestingly, Colorado has one of the longest life expectancies in the country at 80.21 years. Now, if you break it down by county, Colorado again has the top 3 spots to […]

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What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? *

Posted: Sep 10 in Health And Wellness, Obesity Medicine by

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a ratio of a person’s weight divided by their height squared in metric. If working with pounds and inches, take pounds divided by inches squared and multiply by 703. Alternatively, use this handy BMI calculator (below) to calculate your BMI. [calculatornet_bmi_calculator] BMI: Some History and Definitions Well, yes and […]

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